Ángel Graña Silleda | El Faro de Vigo |18.04.2014 19:41
Cobideza plans to start up its new Silleda headquarters within a maximum period of two months. This was announced yesterday by its president, Román Santalla, who also pointed out that the warehouse has an area of about 700 square meters and will be located in the old premises of Silleda Jardín, located on the road that connects Trasdeza with Forcarei. The disembarkation of Cobideza in Silleda is a commitment made by the leaders of the LaLense cooperative in its last assembly and arises as a response “to the integration of the cooperative Indega in the ICOS chantadina”, explains its president. Curiously, its headquarters will be barely half a kilometer away from the one of the transvestite cooperative.
Cobideza will offer in Silleda the same services as the rest of the cooperative in the region, located in Lalín, Vila de Cruces and Agolada. In this sense, the partners of Trasdeza may have technical services, veterinary, milk quality, clinic, chiropody or, also, agricultural advisory services. For the president of Cobideza his presence in Silleda is more than necessary because it is a municipality that produces more than 55 million liters of milk per year and has a total of 700 farms linked to the field.
Regarding the staff that will attend the warehouse and the offices in Trasdeza, Santalla was yesterday in favor of relocating members of the current staff of the cooperative. “We have 15 people in the workforce and it is most likely that one of them will be in charge of serving in Silleda,” acknowledges the president of the district cooperative.
The disembarkation of Cobideza in Silleda coincides with an informative campaign to spread its proximity to the farmer in both Trasdeza and Vila de Cruces. There will be talks and distribution of leaflets that include the list of services of the cooperative based on Cercio: from the sale of milk, and its forage warehouse to the sale of agricultural products or the processing of insurance. The fact of having a pharmaceutical and veterinary service, a breeding area or the provision of substitution for vacations is for Santalla the proof that Cobideza intends to “help people to strengthen their productive structures”.
Investment in machinery
Cobideza plans to invest close to 600,000 euros this year in strengthening services such as the machinery park. The cooperative wants to strengthen the link with its more than 200 partners, of which 155 produce milk, before the arrival of the giant ICOS, which has 867 associates and almost 300 number clients. In this sense, Santalla indicates that if Cobideza did not open a headquarters in Silleda before it was for a “scrupulous respect between cooperatives” until the merger of Indega with the Chantada cooperative became official. The president is pleased to be able to start a new stage in Trasdeza now.